1st Grade
- Illustrate sentences with KerPoof
2nd Grade
3rd Grade
4th Grade
5th Grade
- Explore worlds created by other students in Kodu Game Lab
2nd Grade
- Basic modeling with Google Sketchup
5th Grade
- 5A, 5B, Adobe Photoshop
- 5C - Intro to Adobe Premiere (Video Editing)
- 5D - Introduce Tynker and Computer Programming
- Introduce Google Sketchup
- Create 3D shapes from 2D shapes
1st Grade
- Program a Rover in Kodu Game Lab
2nd Grade
- Create a Bitstrip about a character
3rd Grade
- Share internet research on a message board
4th Grade
- Basic modeling with Google Sketchup
5th Grade
- 5A, 5B, 5D - Changing backgrounds in Adobe Photoshop
- 5C - Intro to Adobe Premiere (Video Editing)